Money on February 3rd, 2012

If you are using WordPress on your own hosting then you need to get the Dynamic Display Widget.


wtpj on February 14th, 2011

Who Else Wants To Learn How To Identify 12 Little-Known But Highly Disastrous Success Blockers… And How To Avoid Them Like The Plague?

Well if you do then check this link out…. Click Here for the 12 Secrets

wtpj on February 4th, 2011

If you are new to Word Press and don’t like any themes you have found then you need to check this out today. What have you got to loose?

Money on February 3rd, 2011


If you need WordPress Sales Letters then you need this product.

This awesome theme allows you to create high impact product sales letters, email squeeze pages, affiliate product review sites and other pay-per-click landing pages with ease.

The image to the right is a screenshot of a sales letter built with this great theme. It is highly customizable and is completely compatible with other WordPress plugins.

  • It is a single column theme, which means there is no sidebar to distract your website visitors from your sales message.
  • It is very easy to install and activate. As a matter-a-fact, if you have ever installed a WordPress theme before, then you can handle with one with no problem.
  • It is classic black font on white background, which is widely regarded as the best format for people reading your message.
  • You can easily add headlines in H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6 plus use bold, italics, underline, quote, tables and other formatting with ease!
  • It can be used to build product sales letters for your own products or for products which you own resale or private label rights.
  • It can be used to build Affiliate landing pages for pay-per-click marketing. It’s a known fact that Google and Yahoo love sites built with WordPress. Improve your Google AdWords Quality Score!
  • You can Easily Build Email Squeeze Pages too!

Just CLICK on the WP logo and it will take you to the purchase page.

wtpj on February 3rd, 2011

If you like cakes, cookies and desserts then you need to check out this websiste. You will be glad you did!

Money on February 1st, 2011

If you have a WordPress blog using then you need to read this blog post and if you are why?

It clones your ENTIRE blog in seconds, so you can move it to anywhere you want… back it up… This only works on your own hosting site NOT on the site.

Or if you do a lot of blog set ups, you can automate them and save a ton of time.

Also, it comes with some “already cloned” stuff you can “one click” and deploy. Nice.

Check it out.

This is also the ultimate backup tool takes a second to back up a blog completely.

The real cool feature though is “deploying” your clones – this will save you hundreds of hours.

Money on January 31st, 2011

There are 3 reasons you should consider NEVER using a FREE URL shortener or link cloaking service.

1) A lot of ISPs block them because they often collect your data and share it
with other sites. ISPs don’t like that!

2) You don’t control the service, so if they go out of business all your links
quit working overnight.

3) Those URLs you shorten are impossible to remember and/or edit later.

This is why need to use an affiliate cloaking/redirect script that protects
you from all these things and more.

And here is perhaps the best one on the market. Go to the site now and
see all the cool features it can do… including “hot linking”, “promo redirects” and more…

Check it out  now by click on the LINK above.

wtpj on January 30th, 2011

So you thought you knew everything? Well sometimes you don’t, so  check out the link above about some very interesting books, DVD’s and products that you never knew existed but now you do.


wtpj on January 29th, 2011

I wrote my first Kindle book in 2010. It is a compilation of poems and prose I wrote in memory of my Son Christopher. It is volume 1 of 3 volumes. If you know anyone who has lost a child, grandchild, son or daughter or anyone else please check this book out. You can also purchase a PDF copy if you don’t have a Kindle or Kindle reader.

Money on January 28th, 2011

Nitro-Pak Emergency Preparedness Center, Inc.

This Blog is about products that have been created by the authors of this blog or products they promote either as an affiliate or joint venture.

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